
Apps make sense of social media 'noise'

Social media is the virtual playground where people create, share and communicate instantaneously, and evolving digital technologies are making sense of all the updates, tweets, check-ins, photos and video uploads, according ...

Gaia secured inside fairing

ESA's billion-star surveyor Gaia, less than a week from launch, is now tucked up inside the fairing that will protect it during the first few minutes of ascent into space.

Improving the security of cloud apps accessed by mobile devices

IBM inventors have patented a technique that can enable businesses to improve cloud security and support secure transactions by preventing mobile devices from accessing software code that has been maliciously or inadvertently ...

Supplying clean, safe water to a growing world population

The challenge of supplying clean, safe drinking water to an expanding world population comes down to money, MIT economist Franklin Fisher says: We are surrounded by water—it covers 71 percent of Earth's surface—and industrial-scale ...

Scientists home in on short list of interesting RNA 'machines'

New collaborative work from computational biologists at MIT and experimental biologists at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), however, is easing that distinction by combining computational and experimental ...

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