
What's holding up CRISPR-based cures

The gene-editing tool called CRISPR that can quickly and cleanly remove specific pieces of DNA has revolutionized biotechnology. Many researchers believe the technique could end thousands of ailments. So what's needed to ...

Making sodium-ion batteries that last

Lithium-ion batteries have become essential in everyday technology. But these power sources can explode under certain circumstances and are not ideal for grid-scale energy storage. Sodium-ion batteries are potentially a safer ...

Concentrating milk at the farm does not harm milk quality

At dairies, the reverse osmosis filtration technique is extensively used to remove water from milk to be used for further processing such as e.g. cheese or milk powder. However, many resources would be saved if it was possible ...

Don't kill the messenger RNA

FedEx, UPS, DHL—when it comes to sending packages, choices abound. But the most important delivery service you may not have heard of? mRNA. That's short for messenger RNA, which is how your DNA sends blueprints to the protein-assembly ...

New economic water-splitting catalyst, Ru@C2N

UNIST scientists have developed an exiting new catalyst that can split water into hydrogen almost as good as platinum, but less costly and found frequently on Earth.

Size doesn't matter (to everyone) when discounting pre-orders

Introducing new products through pre-order price promotions is a time-honored strategy, but how deep should those discounts be and what factors induce consumers to make the leap of faith needed to plunk down money for a brand-new ...

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