
How to get more electric vehicles on the road

Despite the hype and excitement, not to mention the fanciful visions put forth by Tesla's Elon Musk, electric vehicles (EVs) are not yet winning over the transportation sector.

The government is miscounting greenhouse emissions reductions

The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), established in 2014 with funding of A$2.55 billion, is mostly spent. With just A$200 million left to be allocated, the Climate Change Authority this week released a report on the fund's ...

Putting molten history on the map

At temperatures as hot as the sun and under pressures over a million times atmospheric pressure, the metal molybdenum melts. Tracking the molten history of the metal clarified the melting point, the border between solid and ...

Is there structure in glass disorder?

Stronger than steel yet easily fabricated, bulk metallic glasses are metals that lack an ordered atomic crystalline structure. The mystery of how the atoms are packed in these glasses has been studied for decades. Now, recent ...

Chemical 'pressure' tuning magnetic properties

Unusual, tiny vortexes spinning on the surface of certain magnets could offer a way to reduce the energy demands of computers. Controlling the vortexes is key. Scientists found that chemical substitution in a well-studied ...

Stirring up a quantum spin-liquid with disorder

Disorder is generally thought to be detrimental to creating materials with unusual magnetism or other quantum phenomena. However, a team found that weak disorder surprisingly stabilizes a rare quantum state called a quantum ...

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