
Even wild mammals have regional dialects

Researchers from Cardiff University's Otter Project have discovered that genetically distinct populations of wild otters from across the UK have their own regional odours for communicating vital information to each other. ...

UVB radiation influences behavior of sticklebacks

Fish cannot see ultraviolet B rays, but still change their behavior when they grow up under increased UVB intensity. According to studies by biologists at the University of Bonn on three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus ...

Climate-smart agriculture requires radical policy changes

At all levels of agricultural regulation – national, European, and international – important changes are required to be able to address the challenges of climate change. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is crucial, on ...

A new algorithm helps retailers make better inventory decisions

Stocking too much of a product, or not enough, costs retailers hundreds of billions of dollars annually. If they stock too little and run out, the customer will likely take their businesses elsewhere, costing the retailer ...

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