
Multi-face tracking to help AI follow the action

At the recent 2018 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, I presented a new algorithm for multi-face tracking, an essential component in understanding video. To understand visual sequences involving people, ...

RNA strand enables trapping of uracil in the critical state

Researchers led by Regina de Vivie-Riedle, a professor of theoretical chemistry at LMU Munich, have found indications for a base-independent mechanism that can decrease the photostability of the RNA base uracil.

Improving disaster response through Twitter data

Twitter data could give disaster relief teams real-time information to provide aid and save lives, thanks to a new algorithm developed by an international team of researchers.

Study finds shape not size matters in male mice

Male mice exposed to other male competitors have thicker penis bones according to a new study by researchers at The University of Western Australia, published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Study unveils components of successful key account management

Dynamic capabilities play a key role in successful key account management, according to a new study by researchers from the University of Eastern Finland, Cranfield University and the University of Portsmouth. The study found ...

Revealing the mechanism behind animals' proprioception

An international team of researcher, led by Professor Kyuhyung Kim from Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences identified the motor mechanism of the proprioception sense that detects and controls the movement of the body.

Mapping the urban vitality of Barcelona

Researchers from the Department of Geography and the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology at the UAB (ICTA-UAB) have designed a new methodology with which to conduct a quantitative analysis and map the vital ...

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