
Can airships take scenic flights back to the future?

Massey University School of Aviation assistant lecturer Isaac Henderson has always been fascinated by airships, so he embarked on a master's thesis to find out if they could be brought back into the mainstream.

Sweating for a cooler Singapore

Students from the Institute of Landscape Architecture are planning some natural ways to cool the heat-afflicted metropolis of Singapore. Their testing ground is a disused railway line reclaimed by nature and converted into ...

Coffee and conservation: Mozambique tries both on a mountain

At Mozambique's Mount Gorongosa—where farmers are being encouraged to grow coffee in the shade of hardwood trees, both to improve their own lot and to restore the forest—there is a point beyond which visitors are told ...

Colorful celestial landscape

New observations with ESO's Very Large Telescope show the star cluster RCW 38 in all its glory. This image was taken during testing of the HAWK-I camera with the GRAAL adaptive optics system. It shows RCW 38 and its surrounding ...

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