
'Surgery in a pill' a potential treatment for diabetes

Over the last decade, bariatric surgeons have made strides in performing weight loss surgery that not only reverses obesity but can also reverse type 2 diabetes in patients with both conditions. Despite dramatic improvements ...

Further drivers of ocean deoxygenation identified

Measurements as well as model calculations equally show that the oxygen inventory of the oceans is decreasing. However, the models underestimate this decrease significantly making projections into the future problematic. ...

I.Coast to destroy cocoa trees in fight against virus

Ivory Coast, the world's biggest cocoa producer, announced Monday it would rip up 100,000 hectares (250,000 acres) of cocoa trees in a bid to roll back a plant virus called swollen shoot.

Antioxidants slow down senescence in plants

Aging is a complex process involving lots of different mechanisms. One of the main processes on which aging is based is the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROSs are molecules formed as a result of a sequential ...

Micro-plastics in the Antarctic

Antarctica's most remote and pristine habitats are contaminated with micro-plastic waste and persistent hazardous chemicals, new research shows.

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