
Large trucks are biggest culprits of near-road air pollution

For the 30 per cent of Canadians who live within 500 metres of a major roadway, a new study reveals that the type of vehicles rolling past their homes can matter more than total traffic volume in determining the amount of ...

Decoupling stress and corrosion to predict metal failure

An Arizona State University research team has released new insights about intergranular stress-corrosion cracking (SCC), an environmental cause of premature failure in engineered structures, including bridges, aircraft and ...

Seeing food wasted makes us mad—but should it?

There is currently a grand consensus of academics, policymakers and food campaign groups that "something must be done" to reduce food wastage. Malnutrition is real, but so too is the obesity crisis. But when everyone agrees, ...

Legacy of NASA's dawn, near the end of its mission

NASA's Dawn mission is drawing to a close after 11 years of breaking new ground in planetary science, gathering breathtaking imagery, and performing unprecedented feats of spacecraft engineering.

OTELO reveals a population of "ghost galaxies" in the universe

The OSIRIS instrument on the Gran Telescopio Ganarias has made the deepest survey of galaxies to date, the OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object survey (OTELO), and the results could change what we currently know about the ...

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