
Scientists sketch out the foundations of a colony on Mars

EPFL scientists have mapped out the steps required to build a self-sustaining research base on Mars that would be habitable for the long term. Their work can help researchers set priorities for space programs exploring Mars ...

Team of researchers challenge bold astronomical prediction

Calvin College professor of astronomy Larry Molnar made a bold announcement in 2017—he and his team had identified a binary star in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan, that was a strong candidate to merge and explode in ...

Hubble peers into a galaxy's dusty haze

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image showcases the galaxy NGC 4036, a lenticular galaxy some 70 million light-years away in the constellation of Ursa Major (the Great Bear).

Video: What Google can learn from your Android phone

Google collects data around the clock from the phones of Android users in particular – their location, shopping habits, music, searches and more, a Vanderbilt computer science professor found.

Biculturalism starts in the classroom

Language is a key component, and with more Pākehā opting to learn te reo Māori, Victoria University of Wellington pukenga (lecturer), Dr. Awanui Te Huia, is researching how learning the language helps develop a truly bicultural ...

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