
Study explores how gender defines the gym

Getting to the gym is hard enough, but when it comes to working out, the stereotypes about men and women you pack along with your water bottle can be far more difficult to overcome than any treadmill or barbell.

Measuring optimally with spheres

Bio-reactors are the cooking pots of biochemists and bio-technologists, in which pharmaceutical agents, enzymes or nematodes are produced for the purpose of biological pest control. A nutrient solution (such as heat, oxygen, ...

Mathematical model mimics melanoma

Cancer cells' ability to tolerate crowded conditions may be one key to understanding tumor growth and formation, according to a mathematical model that has been applied to cancer cell growth for the first time. The model ...

Artificial intelligence index tracks emerging field

Since the term "artificial intelligence" (AI) was first used in print in 1956, the one-time science fiction fantasy has progressed to the very real prospect of driverless cars, smartphones that recognize complex spoken commands ...

Space technology to drive autonomous ships

ESA Director General Jan Wörner signed a Memorandum of Intent with Rolls-Royce today, as the two entities agree to investigate how space technology can be used to develop autonomous and remote-controlled ships.

The mysterious star MWC349

Molecular clouds in interstellar space can sometimes produce natural masers (the radio wavelength analogs of lasers) that shine with bright, narrow beams of radiation. Regions of active star formation generate some of the ...

Scientists build hydrogen sensor readable with the naked eye

According to many scientists, the proposed hydrogen economy, positioning hydrogen as the most important carrier of sustainably generated energy, is an inevitable development. Unfortunately, the use of hydrogen entails certain ...

New interactive technology makes rare cell types visible

Researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have presented an interactive technique in the scientific journal Nature Communications for the identification ...

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