Supercritical answer to waste oil found

Lubricating oils deteriorate and oxidize with use as well as accumulating particles from the engines and other machinery in which they are used. Ultimately, their effectiveness worsens and they begin to damage the components ...

Possible lives for food waste from restaurants

More than a third of the food produced ends up being wasted. This situation creates environmental, ethical and financial issues, that also affect food security. Negative effects from waste management, such as bad smells or ...

Environmental solutions to go global

New Australian technology that could fix some of the world's biggest environmental pollution problems—oil spills, mercury pollution and fertiliser runoff—will soon be available to global markets following the signing ...

The greenbacks in mobile phone mines

No-one who is economically active can afford to go without at least a mobile phone, and at the pace that electronic equipment is re-invented, it's only a matter of time before your 'latest' iPhone 11 ends up on a dump site.

Life on Mars: Will humans trash the planet like we have Earth?

Mountains of garbage, plastics that take thousands of years to disintegrate, oil spills in pristine environments from drilling into the soil or underneath the ocean: When we go to Mars, is it inevitable we'll repeat the same ...

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