Related topics: wikileaks

Seagrass crucial to stemming the tide of coastal erosion

The sea devours large tracts of land when storms wash sand out to sea from the coast. A new study involving a researcher from the University of Gothenburg has shown that seagrass can reduce cliff erosion by up to 70% thanks ...

Scientists react to planned cull of Swedish wolves

The Swedish Parliament recently presented its ambition to drastically reduce number of wolves in Sweden—from approximately 400 down to approximately 200. Scientists are now reacting to this goal. In a letter published in ...

Foreign-born run greater risk of workplace bullying

The risk of being bullied at work in Sweden is twice as high if you were born outside Sweden. And if you come from a culture that is culturally dissimilar to Sweden's, the risk is even higher. These are the results of a study ...

High temperatures threaten the survival of insects

Insects have difficulties handling the higher temperatures brought on by climate change, and might risk overheating. The ability to reproduce is also strongly affected by rising temperatures, even in northern areas of the ...

Swedish workers among Europe's best-paid in late 1800s

In 19th-century Sweden, workers' wages rose faster than in other European countries. By 1900, they were among the highest in Europe, and the steepest rise of all had been for those who earned least. This is shown by new research ...

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