Mars Orbiter Resumes Normal Science Operations

( -- NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has fully recovered from an unexpected computer re-set last week and resumed its scientific investigation of Mars.

How AI tools can help assess verbal eyewitness statements

In a new paper in Psychological Science, researchers from the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School demonstrate how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve ...

Painstaking veterinary forensics to combat animal abuse

Many people have seen dramatizations of forensics on shows likes Bones and CSI. Forensics is the application of scientific principles and methods to criminal investigations at crimes scenes and in labs.

The burglary microbiome project

Researchers have demonstrated that microbial signatures, the unique microbial make-up of each individual, from the built environment can identify persons involved in crimes occurring in the home, such as burglaries. The research ...

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