Swirling liquids work similarly to bitcoin

Fluid dynamics is not something that typically comes to mind when thinking about bitcoin. But for one Stanford physicist, the connection is as simple as stirring your coffee.

When ions and molecules cluster

The electric charge of atoms or molecules zaps science's ability to predict how these ions will behave when combined with others. Different ions with the same charge cause different effects. How an ion behaves when isolated ...

Feeling the rhythm

Many astronauts play instruments, and some have even made music in space. Few have danced in space, though, perhaps because crew members find it difficult to tap their toes when weightless. Or it could be that spending time ...

Researchers describe the role of water in protein folding

A study developed by researchers at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona (UB), published in the journal Physical Review Letters, describes the contribution of water to the three-dimensional structure of proteins ...

Schrodinger's cat gets a reality check

It's a century-old debate: what is the meaning of the wave function, the central object of quantum mechanics? Is Schrödinger's cat really dead and alive?

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