Chemical noses to detect and rid pollutants

Scientists across Europe are joining forces to develop next-gen "chemical noses" that will detect and rid pollutants from the environment as part of a collaborative €2.9 million Horizon2020 FET-OPEN project (INITIO) that ...

Chemists harness power of light to tackle asymmetrical molecules

No, molecules do not actually have hands. But scientists refer to them in this way when looking at asymmetric molecules that are mirror images of one another and therefore are not superimposable. Whether a molecule is a "lefty" ...

New computational method reduces risk of drug formulation

One major factor that determines the efficacy of a drug is the structure that its molecules form in a solid state. Changed structures can entail that pills stop functioning properly and are therefore rendered useless.

A banner year for pharma

As 2018 draws to a close, the pharmaceutical industry is celebrating a prosperous year of new investments and therapeutic breakthroughs. These successes were driven by cutting-edge science and progress in finally translating ...

New nanoparticles wait to release drugs, target infection

Current WSU research shows stimuli-responsive nanoparticles can specifically target infections to simultaneously prevent the spread of bacteria and reduce the inflammation it causes. These microscopic particles are loaded ...

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