An oracle for object-oriented programmers

In the last 40 years, the major innovation in software engineering has been the development of what are called object-oriented programming languages. “Objects” are, effectively, repositories for the computational ...

Citizen scientists discover dozens of brown dwarfs

How complete is our census of the Sun's closest neighbors? Astronomers and a team of data-sleuthing volunteers participating in Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, a citizen science project, have discovered roughly 100 cool worlds ...

Reach out and touch 3D characters with RePro3D (w/ video)

( -- Lonely gamers who have felt the pain of being separated by a screen from their favorite personalities now have a way to reach out and touch their game characters, and that new way is RePro3D. A group of researchers ...

Einstein's Cross under the gravitational microlens

A Spanish research team has obtained measurements for the innermost region of a disc of matter in orbital motion around a supermassive black hole in the quasar known as Einstein's Cross (Q2237-0305). It constitutes the most ...

New Horizons collects first science on a post-Pluto object

Warming up for a possible extended mission as it speeds through deep space, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has now twice observed 1994 JR1, a 90-mile (145-kilometer) wide Kuiper Belt object (KBO) orbiting more than 3 billion ...

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