First detailed electronic study of new nickelate superconductor

The discovery last year of the first nickel oxide material that shows clear signs of superconductivity set off a race by scientists around the world to find out more. The crystal structure of the material is similar to copper ...

A water-splitting catalyst unlike any other

Electricity can be generated by renewable sources such as sunlight and wind, then used to split water, which makes hydrogen as a fuel for emerging energy devices such as fuel cells. Because hydrogen is a clean fuel, researchers ...

A new mechanism for catalyzing the splitting of water

Mobilizing oxygen atoms from the crystal surface of perovskite-oxide electrodes to participate in the formation of oxygen gas is key to speeding up water-splitting reactions, researchers at MIT, the Skoltech Institute of ...

One step closer to artificial photosynthesis and 'solar fuels'

Caltech scientists, inspired by a chemical process found in leaves, have developed an electrically conductive film that could help pave the way for devices capable of harnessing sunlight to split water into hydrogen fuel.

New way to measure electron pair interactions

Shoot a beam of light or particles at certain special materials and you will liberate electrons—pairs of them—a phenomenon known as "electron pair emission," which can reveal fundamental properties of the solid and reveal ...

'Holey' Nanosheets for Wastewater Dye Removal

( -- Researchers have discovered that extremely thin sheets of nickel oxide with hexagonally shaped holes can absorb hazardous dyes from wastewater nearly as well as the best traditional methods, but are recyclable. ...

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