Are organisms basically living machines?

Scientists are increasingly interested in the prospect of solving a range of fundamental problems facing our civilisation by designing and reconstructing organisms.

Toward language inference in medicine

Recent times have witnessed significant progress in natural language understanding by AI, such as machine translation and question answering. A vital reason behind these developments is the creation of datasets, which use ...

Biomimetic micro/nanoscale fiber reinforced composites

Over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, nature has produced a myriad of biological materials that serve either as skeletons or as defensive or offensive weapons. Although these natural structural materials are derived ...

Less moisture in natural fibers

Natural fibers have many advantages: they are renewable, biodegradable and robust. They are more energy-efficient to produce than glass or carbon fibers, are lighter and have better acoustics. Their disadvantage: they absorb ...

New, low cost alternative for ethylene production

The increased supply and optimized cost of natural gas have pushed chemical industries to seek new ways of converting methane, the main constituent of natural gas, to ethylene, a hydrocarbon widely used in chemical products ...

Study sheds light on the role of the entropy in a quantum system

Any understanding of the irreversibility of the arrow of time should account the quantum nature of the world that surrounds us. The is the key result of the work carried out by Vincenzo Alba and Pasquale Calabrese of the ...

Pac-Man meets biotechnology

Scientists in the U.S have a designed a computer game that could help with biomedical research.

Enlisting symmetry to protect quantum states from disruptions

Symmetry permeates nature, from the radial symmetry of flowers to the left-right symmetry of the human body. As such, it provides a natural way of classifying objects by grouping those that share the same symmetry. This is ...

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