Why some worms regenerate and others do not

Why are so few species able to regenerate damaged or missing body parts, even though regeneration might seem an obvious survival advantage? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen, ...

Newly-discovered 'margarita snails' from the Florida Keys

The "Margaritaville" in Jimmy Buffett's famous song isn't a real place, but it's long been associated with the Florida Keys. This string of tropical islands is home to the only living coral barrier reef in the continental ...

Elk hoof disease likely causes systemic changes

Elk treponeme-associated hoof disease, previously thought to be limited to deformations in elks' hooves, appears to create molecular changes throughout the animal's system, according to epigenetic research from Washington ...

Biological clocks: How does the body know that time goes by?

In April of this year, Spanish athlete Beatriz Flamini emerged into the light after a 500-day stay in a cave. Her descent underground is probably the longest undertaken by a long stretch. Flamini says she lost all sense of ...

Exploring the self-organizing origins of life

Catalytic molecules can form metabolically active clusters by creating and following concentration gradients—this is the result of a new study by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization ...

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