Team discovers how mobile ads leak personal data

The personal information of millions of smartphone users is at risk due to in-app advertising that can leak potentially sensitive user information between ad networks and mobile app developers, according to a new study by ...

Taxi drivers jam Costa Rica's capital in Uber protest

Hundreds of taxi drivers jammed streets in Costa Rica's capital San Jose on Monday demanding the government block the mobile app for Uber, saying the US-based ride-share company threatens their livelihood.

New ways your smartwatch (and phone) may be spying on you

A computer science Masters student Tony Beltramelli at the IT University of Copenhagen has demonstrated that software running on a smartwatch could be used to record a user's passwords and PINs. He managed this by using the ...

Amazon orders reset for some customers' passwords has required an undisclosed number of customers to reset passwords to their online accounts after the company said some passwords "may have been improperly stored" on devices.

Improving battery performance for Android apps

App developers could see the energy footprint of their programs on smartphone batteries reduced by participating in a program created by a Purdue-related software startup that promises to find an energy optimization plan ...

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