Related topics: gulf of mexico · methane

How do methanotrophs handle the toxic effects of hydrogen sulfide?

Methanotrophs—organisms that grow by consuming methane—seem to be perfect for alleviating global warming, since methane accounts for about 30% of this effect. However, drilling sites, where the natural gas is mostly composed ...

A new way to spot methane leaks globally

A team of researchers from the Netherlands, the U.S. and Canada has found a new way to spot methane leaks around the globe. The group has published a paper describing their combined satellite approach on the arXiv preprint ...

What may be the largest source of abiotic methane gas on Earth

Methane (CH4), the chief constituent of natural gas, is one of the most widely used "clean" fuels. Although methane is usually considered to originate from organic matter, recently, more and more evidence shows that methane ...

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