Metal-organic framework nanoribbons

The nanostructure of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) plays an important role in various applications since different nanostructures usually exhibit different properties and functions. In this work, the authors reported the ...

Strain-induced isomerization of molecular chains

National University of Singapore scientists have demonstrated a strain-induced structural rearrangement of one-dimensional (1D) metal-organic molecular chains for potential use in fabricating functional nanostructures.

Cobblestones fool innate immunity

Coating the surface of an implant such as a new hip or pacemaker with nanosized metallic particles reduces the risk of rejection, and researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, can now explain why: they fool the ...

Chiral detection of biomolecules based on reinforcement learning

As one of the basic physical properties, chirality plays an important role in many fields. Especially in biomedical chemistry, the discrimination of enantiomers is a very important research subject. Most biomolecules exhibit ...

Machine learning guides carbon nanotechnology

Carbon nanostructures could become easier to design and synthesize thanks to a machine learning method that predicts how they grow on metal surfaces. The new approach, developed by researchers at Japan's Tohoku University ...

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