Related topics: cells

Tiny, ancient fossil shows evidence of the breath of life

An international team of scientists from Leicester, Yale, Oxford and London has discovered a rare and exceptionally well-preserved tiny crustacean in 430 million-years-old rocks in Herefordshire, UK. The fossil is a new species ...

GLUT5 fluorescent probe fingerprints cancer cells

Determining the presence of cancer, as well as its type and malignancy, is a stressful process for patients that can take up to two weeks to get a diagnosis. With a new bit of technology—a sugar-transporting biosensor—researchers ...

A novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system in a novel technique, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have uncovered a novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Novel histone modifications couple metabolism to gene activity

Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum München and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU) have discovered that two new classes of histone modifications couple cellular metabolism to gene activity. The study was published ...

Microbes leave 'fingerprints' on Martian rocks

Scientists around Tetyana Milojevic from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna are in search of unique biosignatures, which are left on synthetic extraterrestrial minerals by microbial activity. The biochemist ...

New approach makes it easier to find novel drugs

Scientists have created a new way of screening compounds that is more sensitive than existing methods, opening up the possibility of finding new drugs for many diseases.

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