A friend of a friend is... a dense network

It's a familiar request in the digital age: one of your friends on social media has a friend who wants to be your friend. Frequent linking among friends of friends can cause a rapid increase in social network connectivity.

Your friends have more friends than you do

No matter how smart and funny you think you are, those you follow on Twitter really do have a larger following than you. And the same holds true for Facebook. But there is no reason to feel badly about any of this, according ...

For a happier life, give up Facebook, study says

Always envious? Got a non-existent social life and struggle to concentrate? All this might be down to Facebook if you believe a study showing those who go a week without using the social network feel happier than others.

Study says Facebook not to blame for negative impact on grades

It may not come as a surprise that the more time college students, particularly freshmen, spend on Facebook, the more their grades suffer. In his latest study, Reynol Junco, an associate professor of education at Iowa State ...

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