New research supports volcanic origin of Kiruna-type iron ores

The origin of so-called Kiruna-type apatite-iron oxide ores has been the topic of a longstanding debate for over 100 years. In a new article published in Nature Communications, a team of scientists presents new and unambiguous ...

Study looks to iron from microbes for climate help

Distributing iron particles produced by bacteria could "fertilize" microscopic ocean plants and ultimately lower atmospheric carbon levels, according to a new paper in Frontiers.

Cleaning up oil using magnets

In the future, it could be possible to remove oil spills on the surface of the ocean by using magnets. An interdisciplinary group of researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) led by Prof. Dr. ...

A water-splitting catalyst unlike any other

Electricity can be generated by renewable sources such as sunlight and wind, then used to split water, which makes hydrogen as a fuel for emerging energy devices such as fuel cells. Because hydrogen is a clean fuel, researchers ...

Nanocrystals get better when they double up with MOFs

Out of the box, crystalline MOFs (metal-organic frameworks) look like ordinary salt crystals. But MOFs are anything but ordinary crystals – deep within each crystalline "grain" lies an intricate network of thin, molecular ...

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