Detecting lethal diseases with rust and sand

The next big thing in medical diagnostics could be minutes particles of rust, iron oxide, coated with the material from which sand is formed, silicon dioxide. These magnetic nanoparticles, a mere 29 to 230 nanometers across, ...

Breakthrough in fight against Hendra virus

( -- There has been a breakthrough in the fight against the deadly Hendra virus following the development of a treatment which shows great potential to save the lives of people who become infected with the virus. ...

'Promising' virus-fighting antibody found: study

An antibody that can stop the new coronavirus infecting cells in laboratory tests has been identified by researchers in the Netherlands, in what scientists say could help the development of therapies for COVID-19.

Hitchhikers hinder medication shelf life

Why some biopharmaceuticals have a longer shelf life than others is a problem that has baffled scientists and manufacturers alike. Even the same medication, produced by different manufacturers, can vary in its storage life.

Taking the bite out of snake venom

More effective treatments for snakebites that afflict millions of people worldwide every year are emerging from EU research.

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