Australian fire beetle avoids the heat

The Australian jewel beetle Merimna atrata has several heat sensors. Originally, it was thought to use them to detect forest fires as it lays its eggs in the wood of burned eucalyptus trees. Researchers at the University ...

Google Glass reborn for the workplace

After spending two years on the sidelines, Google Glass internet-linked eyewear is back in the game, this time aimed at helping workers do their jobs.

How fungi can improve the genetic makeup of bacteria

Soil bacteria use the extensively branched, thread-like structures of fungi to move around and access new food sources. In a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports, UFZ researchers have been able to demonstrate ...

Global hot spot maps link consumers with impacts

A new model creates global hot spot maps to illuminate how what we buy pollutes the planet and where. The idea is to help governments, industries and individuals target areas for cleanup.

Aerial surveys document ocean debris around Hawaii

A study of the eight main Hawaiian Islands shows that ocean debris regularly accumulates around the archipelago, and that most of it is not linked to the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, state officials said Tuesday.

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