Simple device monitors health using sweat

A device that monitors health conditions in the body using a person's sweat has been developed by Penn State and Xiangtan University researchers, according to Huanyu "Larry" Cheng, assistant professor of engineering science ...

Smartphone lab delivers test results in 'spit' second

Engineers with the University of Cincinnati have created a tiny portable lab that plugs into your phone, connecting it automatically to a doctor's office through a custom app UC developed.

Malaria in the Amazon increases with deforestation

A study by NSF-funded scientists Andy MacDonald at UC Santa Barbara and Erin Mordecai at Stanford found a direct relationship between deforestation in the Amazon and the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes. Regions with ...

Cleaning with bleach could create indoor air pollutants

For generations, people have used chlorine bleach to clean and disinfect their homes. However, researchers have now discovered that bleach fumes, in combination with light and a citrus compound found in many household products, ...

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