Have model organisms evolved too far?

A model organism used in laboratories for the past 100 years has evolved so extensively that it may no longer be fit for purpose.

DNA reveals the past and future of coral reefs

New DNA techniques are being used to understand how coral reacted to the end of the last ice age in order to better predict how they will cope with current changes to the climate.

How cells turn independent and regulate functions

With his thesis, Jacob Lewerentz, Department of Molecular Biology at UmeƄ University, contributes to the knowledge about how cells regulate their protein level and adapt to a new milieu outside their organism. He has also ...

Using LAMP to reveal the mysteries of lysosomes

A cell is composed of numerous organelles, each with a unique role that helps contribute to its overall functionality. The lysosome is an organelle that contains digestive enzymes and functions as a molecular garbage disposal ...

New test identifies lobster hybrids

Scientists have developed a test that can identify hybrids resulting from crossbreeding between European and American lobsters.

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