Designing 3D-printed pills with desired drug release

Don't be surprised to see pills with unusual shapes in the future. At first sight they may look funny, but they can release pharmaceuticals inside the body in a controlled manner. Using a combination of advanced computational ...

Researchers observe metal to metal oxide progression

A catalyst's utility is influenced by its surface charge and how that charge is transferred. Until recently, studying charge transfer has relied on complex imaging techniques that are both expensive and time-consuming. Scientists ...

How two water molecules dance together

An international research team has gained new insights into how water molecules interact. A laser with especially high brightness, as is available at the FELIX laboratory at Radboud University, was needed for the experiments. ...

'Nanotubes on a chip' could simplify optical power measurements

(—The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has demonstrated a novel chip-scale instrument made of carbon nanotubes that may simplify absolute measurements of laser power, especially the light signals ...

X-rays reveal coexisting structures in glass

The craft of glassmaking extends way back in time. It was over five-thousand years ago when mankind learned how to make glass. Even prior to this discovery, humans had been using naturally occurring glass for tool making. ...

It pays to cooperate

Many species exhibit cooperative survival strategies—for example, sharing food or alerting other individuals when a predator is nearby. However, there are almost always freeloaders in the population who will take advantage ...

Speckle-illumination proves useful in photoacoustic microscopy

Motivated by the limitations of scanning approaches to photoacoustic microscopy, an international group supervised by Emmanuel Bossy of Université Grenoble Alpes experimented with structured illumination using known and ...

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