Genetic diversity maps to help forests survive climate change

Forests have a special magic for many of us. Steeped in folklore and fantasy, they are places for enchantments, mythical creatures and outlaws. But if they are to survive into the future, they may also need a helping hand ...

Novel insect vectors and host trees harbor Dutch elm disease

Researchers from the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and the University of Krakow have revealed novel and unexpected insect vectors and host trees for the Dutch elm disease, a deadly and devastating fungal disease ...

Vaccine stops Dutch elm disease

Since 1992 over half a million Dutch elms have been 'vaccinated' against Dutch elm disease. Among these vaccinated trees, only 0.1% was infected by the fungus via the infamous elm bark beetle over recent years. The Wageningen ...

Poor outlook for ash trees

The future for ash – the tree that gave us food, fuel and the Sweet Track, one of the oldest roads in the world – looks bleak, according to a new survey of its biology and ecology. The review by tree expert Dr Peter Thomas ...

Researchers aim to restore riparian corridors and an iconic tree

Research by the U.S. Forest Service at the Finger Lakes National Forest (FLNF) is exploring whether native trees can restore a degraded stream corridor and whether degraded stream corridors can help one of those native trees—the ...

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