Related topics: quantum computing ยท carbon

Demonstration of diamond nuclear spin gyroscope

In a new report now published in Science Advances, Andrey Jarmola and an international research team in physics and materials in the U.S. and Germany demonstrated the function of a rotation sensor based on the Nitrogen-14 ...

How flawed diamonds 'lead' to flawless quantum networks

The color in a diamond comes from a defect, or "vacancy," where there is a missing carbon atom in the crystal lattice. Vacancies have long been of interest to electronics researchers because they can be used as 'quantum nodes' ...

Enzyme action movie shows how nature makes penicillins

Scientists who specialize in studying the atom-by-atom choreography of enzymes have revealed new insights into the function of isopenicillin N synthase, an enzyme needed to produce some of the world's most critical antibiotics.

Nature recycles trash to create diamonds

The Earth's deepest diamonds are commonly made up of former living organisms that have effectively been recycled more than 400 kilometers below the surface, new Curtin research has discovered.

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