How cells die by ferroptosis

Ferroptosis is a recently discovered form of cell death, which is still only partially understood. Scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München have now identified an enzyme that plays a key role in generating the signal ...

Cellular recycling caught in the act

A team of researchers at the Center for Self-assembly and Complexity, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have observed a normal physiological process, called "self-eating", that cells use to recycle their components. ...

A new imaging approach to see multiple proteins simultaneously

Researchers from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) have developed an innovative method to visualize up to tens of different proteins simultaneously in the same cell. This technology could help scientists ...

Countering the caregiver placebo effect

How do you know that your pet is benefiting from its pain medication? A new clinical trial design from North Carolina State University researchers could help overcome pet owners' unconscious observation bias and determine ...

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