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Scientists unlock biological secrets of the aging process

How we grow old gracefully—and whether we can do anything to slow down the process—has long been a fascination of humanity. However, despite continued research the answer to how we can successfully combat aging still ...

A fix for the cracked-screen smartphone

Some people drop them. Others leave their mobile phone on the roof of the car and drive off. Or they slip the device into a purse or pocket - and miss.

Why do cats lick and chew catnip? Researchers find an answer

Anyone who has seen a cat experience catnip knows that it makes them go a bit wild—they rub in it, roll on it, chew it, and lick it aggressively. It is widely accepted that this plant, and its Asian counterpart, silvervine, ...

German researchers figure out how lager first developed in Bavaria

A new paper in FEMS Yeast Research reveals the possible origin story of lager beers. Using historical records and contemporary phylogenomics research, investigators here show where lagers likely first originated: at the court ...

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