Related topics: photosynthesis

Shedding light on photosynthesis

( -- Imagine being able to monitor protein expression levels in a cell as they change over time and in response to external stimuli. That is just what researchers did when they studied the photosynthetic blue-green ...

Getting to know bacteria with 'multiple personalities'

( -- Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, have been the subject of decades of debate over exactly how they should be classified. While they reproduce and share DNA with their bacterial cousins, they are the only ...

Water temperature found to not impact blue-green algae blooms

Even if most cyanobacteria blooms in Canada's lakes happen during the hottest periods of summer, water temperature seems to have little to no impact on the development of these potentially toxic bacteria better known as blue-green ...

Experiment sheds new light on prehistoric ocean conditions

A new experiment by Iowa State University's Elizabeth Swanner that evaluates the reduction of iron in prehistoric oceans may reinterpret the conditions under which iron-rich sedimentary rock is formed.

Inner workings of cyanobacteria caught on video

Cyanobacteria, found in just about every ecosystem on Earth, are one of the few bacteria that can create their own energy through photosynthesis and "fix" carbon – from carbon dioxide molecules – and convert it into fuel ...

An ancient 'Great Leap Forward' for life in the open ocean

It has long been believed that the appearance of complex multicellular life towards the end of the Precambrian (the geologic interval lasting up until 541 million years ago) was facilitated by an increase in oxygen, as revealed ...

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