Related topics: protein

A game of pool in the live cell

Cells need to react to environmental changes and maintain a balanced system of signaling cascades within the cell. Proteins outside of the cell, on the cellular surface, inside the cellular membrane, and within the cell orchestrate ...

Newly discovered cytoskeleton helps cancer cells survive

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered a cytoskeleton which provides the structure for mitochondria, the cell's energy producers. The skeleton is necessary for the function of the mitochondria, but the researchers ...

New beacons light up the interior

LMU's Ralf Jungmann develops modes of microscopy that can resolve cellular structures with dimensions on the order of nanometers. He has now succeeded in imaging actin networks in cells in greater detail than before.

Intracellular transport in 3-D

Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have visualized the complex interplay between protein synthesis, transport and modification.

Secrets of a little-known cancer ally revealed

Human cancers often have a little recognized ally— the increased size and number of a cell's organelles called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is where ribosomes, the cellular protein factories, are made. Ribosomes can also ...

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