Related topics: stem cells ยท cells

How cells are influenced by their environment as tissues grow

How does an embryo develop? How do children grow, wounds heal or cancer spread? All of this has to do with the growth of body tissue. One of the major research interests of ETH Professor Viola Vogel and her senior assistant ...

Mission Ax-2 set to launch stem cells to space

Cedars-Sinai investigators, in collaboration with Axiom Space of Houston, are sending stem cells to space in early May to explore whether microgravity can make it easier and more efficient to produce large batches of stem ...

Balance between proteins keeps sperm swimming swiftly

Sperm must swim swiftly to an egg in order to fertilize it, and so they have evolved hydrodynamic shapes. Most of the space in the head of sperm cells is taken up by the DNA they carry, so the cells coil up their DNA super ...

Jumping genes in cancer cells open door to new immunotherapies

Jumping genes are short sections of DNA that have been incorporated randomly into the human genome over the long course of evolution. Also called transposable elements, these pieces of DNA have been implicated in the development ...

Understanding why BRCA2 is linked to cancer risk

A new study shows exactly how the gene BRCA2, linked to susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancer, functions to repair damaged DNA. By studying BRCA2 at the level of single molecules, researchers at the University of California, ...

Human cells help researchers understand squid camouflage

Squids and octopuses are masters of camouflage, blending into their environment to evade predators or surprise prey. Some aspects of how these cephalopods become reversibly transparent are still "unclear," largely because ...

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