New study describes how employee opinion impacts CEO dismissal

Corporate governance decisions, like CEO dismissal, can disrupt organizations. As a result, the board of directors treads with caution while making such decisions. Previous research suggests that boards rely on factors like ...

Creating high-quality, thick graphite films

High-quality graphite has excellent mechanical strength, thermal stability, high flexibility and very high in-plane thermal and electric conductivities, and therefore it is one of most important advanced materials used in ...

Nitrogen boundaries exceeded in many world regions

It has long been known that humanity is exceeding planetary boundaries for nitrogen use. Scientists have now mapped those exceedances regionally for the first time. Whereas countries in north-western Europe and parts of India ...

Researchers study exciton dynamics at unprecedented resolution

Future optical communication that's vastly more reliable and faster than what's commonly available today will require new technology. Modern communication is based on charge transfer, which can result in large transmission ...

Can twin boundaries resist fatigue cracking?

Grain boundaries are widely distributed in metallic crystals and have important impacts on their mechanical properties. Among them, high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) can strengthen metallic materials, but the stress concentration ...

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