NASA plans to visit a near-Earth asteroid

In a few years a NASA spacecraft will seek the building blocks of life in a shovelful of asteroid dirt. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, targeted for launch in September 2016, will intercept asteroid 1999 RQ36, orbit it for a year, ...

Kenya project: making safer water to sell carbon credits

To protect the environment and improve the health of four million people while making a profit is the goal of a Swiss-based company distributing water filters and aiming to sell carbon credits.

Japan gadget charges cellphone over campfire

A Japanese company has come up with a new way to charge your mobile phone after a natural disaster or in the great outdoors -- by heating a pot of water over a campfire.

Boiling bubbles are cool in space

( -- It may seem illogical, but boiling is a very efficient way to cool engineering components and systems used in the extreme environments of space.

UMD engineers to test boiling at zero-gravity

Here on Earth, the process of boiling is used for tasks ranging from cooking and heating to power generation. In space exploration, boiling may also be used for power generation and other applications, but because boiling ...

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