Have we really just seen the birth of a black hole?

For almost half a century, scientists have subscribed to the theory that when a star comes to the end of its life-cycle, it will undergo a gravitational collapse. At this point, assuming enough mass is present, this collapse ...

Kepler confirms more than 100 planets in single trove

An international team of astronomers have discovered and confirmed a treasure trove of new worlds. The researchers achieved this extraordinary discovery of exoplanets by combining NASA's K2 mission data with follow-up observations ...

Continuing the search for gravitational waves

In February, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced it had detected gravitational waves for the first time, confirming the last prediction of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Somewhat overlooked in the excitement ...

First photo of planet in making captured

There are 450 light-years between Earth and LkCa15, a young star with a transition disk around it, a cosmic whirling dervish, a birthplace for planets.

Three-tailed Comet Q1 PanSTARRS lights up Southern skies

Call it the comet that squeaked by most northern skywatchers. Comet C/2014 Q1 PanSTARRS barely made an appearance at dawn in mid-June when it crept a few degrees above the northeastern horizon at dawn. Only a few determined ...

Giant mirror presents a unique, oversize load

After years of polishing to perfection, the mirror slated to form the heart of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, expected to revolutionize our view of the cosmos as a place of constant change, has left the UA's Richard ...

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