Study on bacteria-invading virus yields new discoveries

Innovative work by two Florida State University scientists that shows the structural and DNA breakdown of a bacteria-invading virus is being featured on the cover of the February issue of the journal Virology.

Team finds stable RNA nano-scaffold within virus core

With the discovery of a RNA nano-scaffold that remains unusually stable in the body, researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) have overcome another barrier to the development of therapeutic RNA nanotechnology.

Virus uses 'Swiss Army knife' protein to cause infection

In an advance in understanding Mother Nature's copy machines, motors, assembly lines and other biological nano-machines, scientists are describing how a multipurpose protein on the tail of a virus bores into bacteria like ...

Student discovers new virus lurking in cave mud

Any time Emilia Czyszczon gets bogged down in her biological engineering studies - any time she considers taking the easy route on an assignment - she thinks about her father.

With chemical modification, stable RNA nanoparticles go 3-D

( -- For years, RNA has seemed an elusive tool in nanotechnology research -- easily manipulated into a variety of structures, yet susceptible to quick destruction when confronted with a commonly found enzyme.

Nanotech researchers develop artificial pore

( -- Using an RNA-powered nanomotor, University of Cincinnati (UC) biomedical engineering researchers have successfully developed an artificial pore able to transmit nanoscale material through a membrane.

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