With roommates, it's all about chemistry, molecularly speaking

Within and upon every human being reside countless microorganisms—the microbiota that help shape and direct the lives of their hosts. A similar phenomenon occurs between people, microbes and the homes they share.

Unique molecular CODE: Paramagnetic encoding of molecules

Today we commonly encounter contactless RFID chips in a number of products, but can similar technology be implemented at the molecular level? The answer is yes. The principle of molecular encoding conceived by Miloslav Polášek ...

Do proteins remember?

A study integrating biological ideas and new computer science tools has uncovered novel associations between genetic coding and protein structure, which could potentially change the way we think about protein production in ...

The origin of life: A paradigm shift

According to a new concept by LMU chemists led by Thomas Carell, it was a novel molecular species composed out of RNA and peptides that set in motion the evolution of life into more complex forms.

Scientists build microporous MOF traps for mitigating toxic gases

Nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide (NO2 and SO2) are toxic gases harmful to the environment and human health. Once they enter the atmosphere, they can travel hundreds of miles, polluting the air and causing acid rain which ...

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