Light as a tool for the synthesis of complex molecules

Chemists at the University of Münster have developed a novel and straightforward way to produce complex organic molecules. Mild reaction conditions, simple operation, scalability and the use of an inexpensive and commercially ...

Scientists discover new 'origins of life' chemical reactions

Four billion years ago, the Earth looked very different than it does today, devoid of life and covered by a vast ocean. Over the course of millions of years, in that primordial soup, life emerged. Researchers have long theorized ...

Protein folding in times of oxygen deficiency

Proteins often consist of hundreds or thousands of individual parts—the amino acids. These are connected like the links of a chain. However, protein molecules would not be able to fulfill their task as a long filament flapping ...

Artificial intelligence folds RNA molecules

For the function of many biomolecules, their three-dimensional structure is crucial. Researchers are therefore not only interested in the sequence of the individual building blocks of biomolecules, but also in their spatial ...

With roommates, it's all about chemistry, molecularly speaking

Within and upon every human being reside countless microorganisms—the microbiota that help shape and direct the lives of their hosts. A similar phenomenon occurs between people, microbes and the homes they share.

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