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Quantum Physics Feb 2, 2018

New quantum repeater paves the way for long-distance big quantum data transmission

Physicists have designed a new method for transmitting big quantum data across long distances that requires far fewer resources than previous methods, bringing the implementation of long-distance big quantum data transmission ...

Quantum Physics Aug 23, 2017

Hyperentanglement across roof tops paves the way toward a global quantum Internet

(—For the first time, physicists have demonstrated that hyperentangled photons can be transmitted in free space, which they showed by sending many thousands of these photons between the rooftops of two buildings ...

Quantum Physics Aug 16, 2017

Physicists measure complementary properties using quantum clones

(—In quantum mechanics, it's impossible to precisely and simultaneously measure the complementary properties (such as the position and momentum) of a quantum state. Now in a new study, physicists have cloned quantum ...

Quantum Physics May 16, 2017

Stars as random number generators could test foundations of physics

(—Stars, quasars, and other celestial objects generate photons in a random way, and now scientists have taken advantage of this randomness to generate random numbers at rates of more than one million numbers per ...

Quantum Physics Apr 17, 2017

Bell correlations measured in half a million atoms

(—Physicists have demonstrated Bell correlations in the largest physical system to date—an ensemble of half a million atoms at an ultracold temperature of 25 µK. The presence of Bell correlations indicates that ...

Quantum Physics Apr 7, 2017

New insight into proving math's million-dollar problem: the Riemann hypothesis (Update)

(—Researchers have discovered that the solutions to a famous mathematical function called the Riemann zeta function correspond to the solutions of another, different kind of function that may make it easier to ...

Quantum Physics Nov 28, 2016

Quantum physics offers new way to factor numbers

(—Any number can, in theory, be written as the product of prime numbers. For small numbers, this is easy (for example, the prime factors of 12 are 2, 2, and 3), but for large numbers, prime factorization becomes ...

Quantum Physics Oct 17, 2016

How quantum effects could improve artificial intelligence

(—Over the past few decades, quantum effects have greatly improved many areas of information science, including computing, cryptography, and secure communication. More recently, research has suggested that quantum ...

Quantum Physics Oct 14, 2016

Forever quantum: physicists demonstrate everlasting quantum coherence

(—Physicists have implemented the first experimental demonstration of everlasting quantum coherence—the phenomenon that occurs when a quantum system exists in a superposition of two or more states at once. Typically, ...

Quantum Physics Sep 19, 2016

Physicists retrieve 'lost' information from quantum measurements

(—Typically when scientists make a measurement, they know exactly what kind of measurement they're making, and their purpose is to obtain a measurement outcome. But in an "unrecorded measurement," both the type ...

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