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Search results for quantum cryptography

Optics & Photonics Oct 10, 2023

Toward metropolitan free-space quantum networks

Quantum communications have rapidly progressed toward practical, large-scale networks based on quantum key distributions that spearhead the process. Quantum key distribution systems typically include a sender "Alice," a receiver ...

Quantum Physics Oct 6, 2023

Scientists develop a semi-device independent, randomness-free test for quantum correlation

In a new Physical Review Letters study, scientists have successfully presented a proof of concept to demonstrate a randomness-free test for quantum correlations and non-projective measurements, offering a groundbreaking alternative ...

Education Sep 11, 2023

Quantum information science is rarely taught in high school—here's why that matters

The first time I heard about quantum information science, I was at a teacher development workshop in Canada in 2008.

Quantum Physics Sep 7, 2023

Machine learning contributes to better quantum error correction

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing have used machine learning to perform error correction for quantum computers—a crucial step for making these devices practical—using an autonomous correction system ...

Condensed Matter Sep 6, 2023

Promising quantum state found during error correction research

Window glass, at the microscopic level, shows a strange mix of properties. Like a liquid, its atoms are disordered, but like a solid, its atom are rigid, so a force applied to one atom causes all of them to move.

Quantum Physics Sep 6, 2023

Study proves the difficulty of simulating random quantum circuits for classical computers

Quantum computers, technologies that perform computations leveraging quantum mechanical phenomena, could eventually outperform classical computers on many complex computational and optimization problems. While some quantum ...

Quantum Physics Sep 4, 2023

Better cybersecurity with quantum random number generation based on a perovskite light emitting diode

Digital information exchange can be safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly with the help of a new type of random number generator for encryption developed at Linköping University, Sweden. The researchers behind ...

Optics & Photonics Aug 24, 2023

New quantum device generates single photons and encodes information

A new approach to quantum light emitters generates a stream of circularly polarized single photons, or particles of light, that may be useful for a range of quantum information and communication applications. A Los Alamos ...

Optics & Photonics Aug 8, 2023

New metalens lights the way for advanced control of quantum emission

Quantum emission is pivotal to realizing photonic quantum technologies. Solid-state single photon emitters (SPEs), such as hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) defects, operate at room temperature. They are highly desirable due ...

Quantum Physics Aug 2, 2023

Who's afraid of quantum computing?

The road to a quantum future may be longer and more winding than some expect, but the potential it holds is profound, writes UTS Associate Professor Chris Ferrie.

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