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Black hole pairs may unveil new particles

In a paper published in Physical Review Letters this week, physicists from Amsterdam and Copenhagen argue that close observations of merging black hole pairs may unveil information about potential new particles. The research ...

CMS experiment at CERN weighs in on the W boson mass

The CMS experiment at CERN is the latest to weigh in on the mass of the W boson—an elementary particle that, along with the Z boson, mediates the weak force, which is responsible for a form of radioactivity and initiates ...

New technology produces ultrashort ion pulses

TU Wien (Vienna) has succeeded in generating laser-synchronized ion pulses with a duration of well under 500 picoseconds, which can be used to observe chemical processes on material surfaces. The work has been published in ...

Energy-saving computing with magnetic whirls

Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have managed to enhance the framework of Brownian reservoir computing by recording and transferring hand gestures to the system that then used skyrmions to detect these ...

More news

Condensed Matter
Tunable nonlinear Hall effect observed at room temperature in tellurium
Research team uses terahertz pulses of light to shed light on superconducting disorder
Condensed Matter
New strategy for simulating nonadiabatic dynamics of molecules at metal surfaces
Optics & Photonics
Deep design produces 'butterfly' phase mask for light-sheet fluorescence microscopy
Plasma Physics
AI enhances plasma plume analysis
General Physics
A fundamental magnetic property of the muon measured to unprecedented precision
Condensed Matter
Generating spin currents directly using ultrashort laser pulses
Quantum Physics
Energy transmission in quantum field theory requires information: Research finds surprisingly simple relationship
General Physics
Findings from experimental setup demonstrate potential for compact and portable nuclear clocks
Optics & Photonics
Multifunctional phosphor developed for white LED lighting and optical thermometry
Optics & Photonics
Researchers simulate novel metal-filtered VCSEL modal control
Optics & Photonics
Physicists achieve ultrafast steering of quantum-entangled electrons
Optics & Photonics
Latent information carried by photons enables super-precise spectrometer
Quantum Physics
Quantum researchers cause controlled 'wobble' in the nucleus of a single atom
General Physics
Experimental data help unravel the mystery surrounding the creation of heavy elements in stars
Quantum Physics
Floquet engineering tunes ultracold molecule interactions and produces two-axis twisting dynamics
General Physics
Laser and X-ray combo creates star-like conditions inside a hair-thin wire
Condensed Matter
Wave scattering simulation unlocks potential metamaterials
Condensed Matter
Fundamental spintronics research reveals generic approach to magnetic second-order topological insulators
Optics & Photonics
Study accelerates AI-based particle size probe for medication manufacturing

Other news

Why petting your cat leads to static electricity
Astronomers discover biggest ever seen black hole jets, which blast hot plasma well beyond their own host galaxy
New research reveals that America's oldest tombstone came from Belgium and belonged to an English knight
New kit makes classroom CRISPR experiments affordable and accessible
New cosmic distance catalog could unlock the mysteries of universe formation
Astronomers detect hundreds of supernova remnants using novel method
Webb Telescope provides another look into galactic collisions
Earth Sciences
Geoscientists confirm 'dripping' of Earth's crust beneath Türkiye's Central Anatolian Plateau
Social Sciences
Moving as one: Discovering how synchronous movements strengthen social bonds
South African rock art possibly inspired by long-extinct species, suggests research
Plants & Animals
Another new wasp species discovered by researchers
2D silk protein layers on graphene pave the way for advanced microelectronics and computing
Social Sciences
Can toddlers help explain the origins of our bias for wealth?
Nature-inspired patterns boost polymer toughness
Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
Earth Sciences
Rugged Falklands landscape was once a lush rainforest, researchers say
Magnifying deep space through the 'Carousel Lens'—rare alignment offers unique opportunity to study cosmology
Plants & Animals
Study finds marine animals in untouched habitats are at greater risk from human impacts than previously thought
Analytical Chemistry
First liquid-liquid extraction trial finds porous liquids can separate harmful or unwanted alcohols from mixtures
Second-gen Starlink satellites leak 30 times more radio interference, threatening astronomical observations