Yale University was founded in 1701 and known originally as the Collegiate School. Yale University is known for its undergraduate school and graduate schools of Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and Yale Law School. The combined undergraduate and graduate student body tops 11,300 students. Yale has one of the largest endowments in the nation totally $17 billion and its graduate schools of engineering, physics, biology architecture, forestry and the environment are well respected among colleges and universities. Yale confers PhDs, Medical Doctorate degrees, Juris Doctorate and other professional degrees. Yale's new medical school has been awarded Leed Gold certification for its environmentally sustainable construction and features. Yale public affairs is friendly and provides media requests for their research and materials.

265 Church Street, Suite 901 New Haven, CT 06511, USA

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In situ microscopy gives atomic-level view of mitochondria

Novel high-resolution microscopy technology is allowing researchers to see for the first time the dynamic processes of respiration in a native membrane environment at the atomic level. The new technique could help researchers ...

Advanced microscopy technique offers a new look inside cells

Imagine tuning into a football game, but all of the players are invisible except for the two quarterbacks. Without being able to see the orchestrated movements of the full teams, this would be a very confusing game to watch.

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