Iceland's Hekla volcano shows signs of activity

(AP) -- Scientists are monitoring unusual underground activity that could signal an eruption at the Hekla volcano in southern Iceland.

University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson said Wednesday that appears to be moving deep beneath the volcano. He says that does not necessarily mean an eruption is imminent. But scientists expect Hekla, one of Iceland's most , to erupt soon.

In the past few decades, Hekla has erupted about every 10 years, most recently in February 2000.

Iceland, in the remote North Atlantic, is a volcanic hotspot. In April 2010 ash from an eruption of its Eyjafjallajokul volcano grounded flights across Europe for days, disrupting travel for 10 million people.

In May, the Grimsvotn volcano erupted, causing minor disruption to .

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Citation: Iceland's Hekla volcano shows signs of activity (2011, July 6) retrieved 20 September 2024 from
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