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Elon Musk launches Starlink satellite internet service in Indonesia, world's largest archipelago
From the road to the cloud: Leveraging vehicle Global Navigation Satellite System raw data
New advance in wireless communications could help precisely pinpoint the locations of people and objects
Ukraine war: Why the Russian army is still using morse code more than a century after its invention
A new approach to using neural networks for low-power digital pre-distortion in mmWave systems
Deep learning empowers reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in terahertz communication
Advancing satellite-based PNT service: Low Earth orbit satellite constellations augment the GNSS
Broadband internet services are disrupted in most parts of Nepal
New metasurface innovation unlocks precision control in wireless signals
National roaming can increase resilience of Dutch mobile networks
Electronics & Semiconductors
Research team manufactures the first universal, programmable and multifunctional photonic chip
Navigating the future: Researchers improve satellite navigation processing accuracy and speed
Metasurface antenna could enable future 6G communications networks
Internet providers must now be more transparent about fees, pricing, FCC says
Could new technique for 'curving' light be the secret to improved wireless communication?
Key technologies in digital twin of railway wireless network
Undersea cables are the unseen backbone of the global internet
Simultaneous performance improvement and energy savings with an innovative algorithm for 6G vision services
Some Minnesota cities want to impose fees on internet providers, but customers could pay the price
Researchers send data 4.5 million times faster than average broadband

Other news

Merging AI and human efforts to tackle complex mathematical problems
Observations investigate galaxy cluster Abell S1136
Condensed Matter
New research uncovers hidden phenomena in ultra-clean quantum materials
Condensed Matter
Researchers find unexpected excitations in a kagome layered material
Plants & Animals
Analysis of data suggests homosexual behavior in other animals is far more common than previously thought
Earth Sciences
Study reveals spatiotemporal changes of ecosystem services in the Aral Sea basin
Optics & Photonics
Novel application of optical tweezers colorfully shows molecular energy transfer
Condensed Matter
New techniques reveal properties of solid-state chiral materials
Earth Sciences
From mantle to crust: Solving a green metal mystery
Astronomers discover that a well-known X-ray binary is actually a hidden ultraluminous X-ray source
New mathematical proof helps to solve equations with random components
General Physics
Quantum effects forbid the formation of black holes from high concentrations of intense light, say physicists
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers find three potential super-Earths around nearby star
Plants & Animals
Biologists discover a previously unknown salt tolerance mechanism in plants
Analytical Chemistry
Lanthanide catalysts enable one-step synthesis of complex drug precursors
Cell & Microbiology
Study pushes understanding of how cells migrate
Saturday Citations: Bulking tips for black holes; microbes influence drinking; new dinosaur just dropped
China, France launch satellite to better understand the universe
Study challenges popular idea that Easter islanders committed 'ecocide'
A black hole of inexplicable mass: JWST observations reveal a mature quasar at cosmic dawn

Here's why you may still experience spotty cell service

Many consumers, telecommunications experts, and even reporters nationwide who have been the questions: Why is my cell service still so bad in 2024? And is it getting worse, or am I just noticing it more?