Google Glass app lets Tesla owners check on cars from afar

If Telsa Motors Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk was at all concerned about the automaker's status as the technological leader in electric cars, a new app designed for Google Glass just might cement the luxury brand's status.

Invention IDs Computer Users By Typing Patterns

Thirteen years ago Dr. Marcus Brown, associate professor of computer science at The University of Alabama, and one of his now former graduate students were awarded a patent for their novel invention which identifies a person ...

A new window to the face

The human face is a complicated thing—powered by 52 muscles; contoured by the nose, eyebrows, and other features; and capable of an almost infinite range of expressions, from joy to anger to sorrow to puzzlement.

IBM to invest $1b in Linux, open-source

IBM said Tuesday it would invest $1 billion in new Linux and open source technologies for its servers in a bid to boost efficiency for big data and cloud computing.

Americans turn to technology to control impulses

(AP) -- Dan Nainan can't trust himself to work at his computer without clicking on distractions, so he uses an Internet-blocking program to shut down his Web access twice a day.

Review: Thunderbird innovates, but Web mail wins

The last time I relied on email software for personal messaging, George W. Bush was starting his second term, Pluto was still a planet and the Motorola Razr was America's most popular mobile phone.

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